Bilateral Stimulation is a rhythmic back and forth, right/left pattern which induces a state of relaxation.  It can be done through hearing, seeing and tapping.  For example you hold buzzers, buzzing repeatedly first in one hand then the other, or follow my  fingers, moving left to right, back and forth, with your eyes. 

When we experience a traumatic event the memory becomes locked within us, technically within our our neural networks of memory. All the negative attached to the event, which can manifest in body sensations, feeling states and negative beliefs, stays within our memory, conscious and unconscious. 

What bilateral stimulation does is activate the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which organizes and fully processes the memory.   New, forgotten aspects of the memory come forward. Realistic beliefs and insights emerge and the negative feelings, body sensations and negative beliefs are released.  

E.M.D.R. stands for Eye Movement Desentization  Reorganization.  Through bilateral (eye movement, visual,  tactile, auditory)  stimulation the memory is desensitized and reorganized.